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The password is what you get for making 4 Spades doubled, vulnerable! (790).

If you like the book, please tell your friends how to get it!

Stay safe!
Mats Nilsland

If you like, and can afford it, you can make a donation to the organisation behind 'Keep Bridge Alive,' you can read below how to do that. Alternatively, to junior bridge in your own country.

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You should not: send it by email to anyone
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Keep Bridge Alive!

Bridge: A MindSport for All (BAMSA) is an academic project which is producing research findings on bridge that will be used in collaboration with bridge organisations to transform the image of bridge, increase participation and enhance the sustainability of the mind-sport.

Keep Bridge Alive is our fundraising name within the bridge community. All donations are very much appreciated and can be made online via:


Alternatively a bank transfer can be made to:


Account name: University of Stirling

Account number: 63000095

Sort code: 40-41-60


IBAN: GB83HBUK40416063000095


Please add the reference ‘DFA – Bridge’


Any queries please contact Prof Samantha Punch, email: